Part A-Taking part in an art activity.The shauning Spoof of The Shining.

For part A of the arts award we got to take up a activity that we take part in learning a new skill.As a outside project from college me and a couple of my friends decided to do our own version of The Shining but we put our own twist on it.I wanted to develop my filmmaking skills and this film was a great oppurnity to help me develop my filming skills and get a outlook at how things are made in the film business. Some of us hadn’t seen The Shining before so we watched clips on youtube so we had an idea and I also watched the film so i could get an idea of camera angles and shots. I was doing the camera and also sometimes the sound i swapped with a person called Isaac who was helping us out. I developed my skills for the camera by doing different camera angles that i’ve never done before and also an over the shoulder shot that i held the camera instead of in my hand.This was a new experience for me and it turned out well.


Shaun who came up with the idea of doing a spoof of The Shining wanted us to do this because he absolutely loves the movie and he thought it be funny to do our own version. Shaun wrote the scripts for him and Rhianne who was going to play Wendy.


When we finally got started to set up for The Shauning we did the scene where Wendy finds out Jack is going a bit mad and he catches her looking at what he had wrote on the type writer. We tried to set up the scene as best as we could because obviously we wouldn’t be able to have the scene exactly the same.



Issac did the camera work for that bit because we tired walking with the actor whilst recording which is called behind the shoulder shot.Which i think it looked good when we watched it back it went well with the scene.At this point of the year we had a wide open space to shoot this in which made it look like an abandoned hotel.

The next part after that we filmed where jack is going “Wendy give me the bat” this part was quite hard to film because we had to shoot them whilst they were walking up the stairs backwards which was quite dangerous and health and saftey aswell. So we couldn’t rush this bit we had to take our time and get the scenes right,Shaun had to also fall down the stairs.

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The final bit we did for the film was probably one of the hardest bit to film because we actually had a fake door so we could do the “Here’s Johnny!!” part.We got props from the prop cupboard which was the door and the fake axe. I think that this part went really well even though the door was a bit unstable and you could see it weren’t a real door but it didn’t really matter as long as people know this is a laugh not a serious thing.

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Overall i think that doing this spoof of The Shining went really well.We managed to get all the scenes done in one day and we didnt have any problems with anything else.If we were going to do something similar to this then i would suggest to look for somewhere that is apprioate for the scene a couple of weeks before and also if we had a scene with a door get a more suitable place so the door didnt swing or fall over as much. From developing my skill i have learnt quite of few new things about filming.I have learnt that from doing different camera angles that some of them dont work how you want them too and you have to have a back up camera angle if that is the case.Also that it takes a long time to make a good film with the filming and the actors and editing. I think if i was going to make another film i would want to be on camera again and try put different styles and techniques into the camera work and experiment more with camera angles.

what we did is down below. The whole thing and trailer.

Part D-Passing On An Art Skill

For this final bit of the Art Awards we need to teach a group of people an art skill of an animation workshop. Myself and group of other people are going to be teaching the year 1’s on animation pro. We are going to help them with something on time-lapse which we did in college last year. I did a step by step guide on what i think we should do in the lesson. So that it helps me when I’m in the class when iam teaching them. In my step by step guide i have wrote things like an introduction and what to teach them like all technical stuff e.g how to use pro-animation and how to set up camera and the tripod for the camera is the right height. Also i want them to have the same experience as i did so will let them go outside the college and collect leaves and twigs for their animation.

Teaching Animation Day:

Today Me and Rhianne and some other people from our class taught the first year a animation workshop.I was really nervous at first and was a bit worried teaching a whole class but turned out it was only 8 students and because there was 3 groups teaching we had 3 students each to make it even.


In this picture is me and Rhianne setting up the equipment,I got to admit because i hadn’t done anything like this in awhile took me a few minutes to refresh my memory on what i had to do. First thing we did once we got in the class we introduced ourselves to the students and then we sent them down to the prop cupboard to get props for the animation whilst us lot finished setting up the cameras and macs. Once they were back we showed them a couple of example of from our class that we did of stop-moition last year.

After we had finished showing them that we told them to get into group of 3 and then me and Rhianne decided which group to take. I started off by telling them about pro-animate and showed them how to use it.I pushed the capture button and told one of the boys to move so they could see his outline and thats how they can tell where there last movement is when they are doing their animation.After that we told them to put paper on the floor for their background which we had some trouble with because of the angle the camera was at in the end we managed to fix it.We asked them what idea they had and it was about being on beach,their theme ended up being summer.So we let them get on with it and just watched over them and gave them any guidance if they needed it.

IMG_0011Overall this has been a good experience helping the year 1 of the media course.It has taught me that the skills i have learnt in the class that i can teach others my skills.I feel like the lesson went well and that i gave my knowledge to other students for when they need it. I think that if i did something like it again i would probably be a bit more organised and get everything sorted before the day. I would also maybe help them to get more ideas because the group i was in was struggling for ideas by the end of it.

The final piece that they did.I thought it was quite clever what they had come up with.